
Sensation of heaviness or pressure around the head, occipital pain, nausea… Migraine can result from various etiologies such as the temporomandibular joint with bruxism, the upper cervical vertebraes, the temporal muscle and trapezius, hypertension as well as poorly adjusted dental braces or corrective lenses.

Treatment of Migraine

 To relieve your headache, it is important to identify the origin of your migraine in order to treat it appropriately. An inclusive diagnosis establishes the treatment plan for migraine or refers to another specialist for further examinations. My osteopathic approach to headache offers a release of muscle tension in the cervical and cranial region. Working on myofascial tissues and osteopathic thrust are recommended in the treatment of migraines.

Want to stop your headaches?

Don’t hesitate to consult for effective management of your migraine episode.

Other pathologies


Back pain, known as lumbago, is a general term used to describe back pain : Difficulty bending forward, radiating pain, focal pinching, stiffness in all planes of movement, bar-like pain…


Limitation dans les amplitudes de mouvements avec une difficulté à tourner la tête, douleur irradiante dans l’épaule, le bras et la main ou de la base du crâne jusqu’au front, pointe fixe au niveau cervical, maux de têtes…

Musculoskeletal disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders can be significant obstacles in daily life. From traumatic ankle sprains to overload tendinitis and muscle contractures. Musculoskeletal conditions often result from trauma, overuse, and musculoskeletal imbalances…

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