Musculoskeletal disorders can be significant obstacles in daily life. From traumatic ankle sprains to overload tendinitis and muscle contractures. Musculoskeletal conditions often result from trauma, overuse, and musculoskeletal imbalances.
Treatment of tendonitis
Pain during stretching, contraction, inflamed area tender at palpation, limitation in physical activity, tendonitis arises from repetitive efforts with excessive loads or may result from a metabolic or hormonal imbalance. As an osteopath, my treatment for tendonitis is based on identifying the affected structures before performing myofascial and joint work to restore balance between the joint and the muscle with its fascial envelope and tendon.
Sprain treatment
Trauma during physical activity, relapses with instability, a sprain is an injury that can lead to imbalance through compensation strategies. For an ankle sprain, my OSMOVE method aims to promote healing by reducing inflammation through stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation while releasing adhesions before implementing preventative and strengthening plyometric exercises.
Treatment of muscle injuries
Pain during contraction or stretching, strain, tear, tenderness to palpation, limiting contracture—muscle injuries can be diverse with different grades of damage. An assessment of your muscle injury and an individualized treatment plan will be developed for optimal recovery. Therapeutic techniques such as fascial release with dry needling and cupping promote blood circulation and tissue healing to restore musculoskeletal balance.
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